Continuing GGma’s Legacy! Beginner Piano Links

My baby started piano!!! I have been waiting for this day for a LONNNNG time and I am just in tears knowing how much she already LOVES her piano class.

Here is Thalia right before starting her first ever class!

Passing on the Legacy

My husband’s grandma (we call her GGma) played the piano since she was 5 years old! My MIL tells me that when my husband was little he use to get under her piano and lie on the floor while GGma played the piano. How stinking cute is that! Total CORE MEMORY! Anyways, she also use to teach piano and would get asked to play the piano many times during church. Let’s just say that piano has been a HUGE part of her life.

Family is also a HUGE part of her life. GGma and GGpa had 8 children! Now they have 30 grandchildren and 62 (and counting) great-grandchildren. Isn’t that so lovely.

Unfortunately, GGma does not play anymore. 10 years ago she got really sick and has not been truly herself anymore. I want to continue her beautiful piano playing legacy! I want my children to always remember her love for her family and love for her dear piano.

Here is Thalia sitting at one of her many pianos she has owned. Just look at the Beethoven and Mozart headstones! Seriously LOVE so much!
This is the course book we are using!

Piano Practice Log

I saw the cutest and very practical piano practice log on Pinterest (I can’t remember the creator, SORRY) so I decided to create one on Canva! I am putting stickers on every box after she practices. The piano teacher said that if she sees stickers everyday she will get to pick a little toy from her treasure bin. Isn’t that so FUN!?!


I know there are many more pianists but I specially choose Mozart and Beethoven because of the headstones at GGma’s house!

Xoxo, Rudyko


The Hobbit Book Club