Easter Symbols & Easter Bucket List Free Printables

There are Symbols Everywhere

Everything in this world points back to Christ. Everything.

I love finding symbolism in life, especially in holidays. I know many amazing families who do not celebrate the Easter Bunny because it takes away from the true meaning of Easter. Although I respect that, I am here to tell you that NOTHING can EVER take away Christ! Christ is everywhere and in everything.

Easter Symbols

I created these free printables for you and you family. Every Easter I remind my children about these beautiful Easter symbols. I usually prop the printable next to the item so it is a constant reminder throughout the holiday.

Easter Bucket List

Easter lands on March 31st this year! It is already here! I decided to keep our Easter bucket list sweet and simple (that’s a theme in my life and in this blog haha). We are already so busy as mamas that I know adding one more thing can be overwhelming. For this reason… I added only the activities we hold near to our hearts.

Our time here on earth is not guaranteed so let’s be intentional in our days mamas. Let’s do the things that bring us joy and more importantly, things to rejoice our Savior, Jesus Christ.

If these align with your family and you use them, I would love to see you! Please tag me on here !

Happy Easter!




The Wind in the Willows Book Club


Charlotte’s Web Book Club w/ Free Printables