A Little Princess Book Club

I just about died when the host of this month’s book club shared her title pick!

A Little Princess!! 

You mean the story I grew up with! The movie I would watch over and over and over again with my sisters!?!

I always knew I wanted to read it to my girls but never seemed to find the time. Well, the time finally came!

We cried, we laughed, we felt inspired, and we cried some more. If you’ve only seen the movie, I recommend to read the book…You WILL CRY.

The Feast

The host planned our book club and did absolutely wonderful! Just like all of our other book clubs, she sent out a sign up sheet Signupgenius and each family signed up to bring something.

She created the cutest food label tags. Look through the pictures to read!

The Decor

The host wanted to recreate the feast that Sara and Becky woke up to one morning! She had used a beautiful gold tablecloth, pretty silver and ceramic trays, lots of taper candles and a colorful wooden elephant from India (IYKYK). Once again, we all try to use what we already have at home.

The Craft

We cut and colored a window sill just like the one where Sara use to sit and admire sunsets in her attic bedroom. My girls loved this craft and especially loved adding little curtains.

Inside the window had this quote,

“Look for beautiful sunsets even when life is hard.”

Yes, I had my girls wear green velvet dresses because IYKYK

The activity - Service

The host of this month’s book club asked us to bring food donations. This service went perfectly with A Little Princess. Sara was very serviceable with her stories, actions, and her love.

Find a local food bank near you here.


I am always in awe after our book club met ups. Every mama works so hard to make it as magical as they can for their children. I love to witness the love these amazing mamas have for childhood.

Long Live Childhood!




Easter Resurrection Garden Party


A Sweet Little Baby Sprinkle