Christmas Gift Guides 2023

Hey mamas,

I know I am late with this gift guide it being December 3rd. I decided to give myself some grace because this is my first time EVER doing a gift guide.

The first guide, gifts for little girls, is everything my husband and I bought for our daughters! I will be adding a few little trinkets in their stockings, of course.

Crazy fact: My daughters have never had baby dolls and I feel so bad about it! But, alas, this is the year of the BABY DOLL haha.

Christmas is not about presents

I know this season can be stressful in many ways and if this gift guide stresses you then please exit now. Christmas is NOT about presents. Children just want you. All of you. Happy you!

If you do need ideas for gifts, then stay! and always, if you do end up purchasing something from here please use my link as it helps me!

I have also added discount codes!

Most Links are amazon

You’re welcome haha.

There are few outside links and awesome small shops but yes, most links are from Amazon.




The Cabins at Bear River Lodge in Utah (My Bday Surprise)!


Family Pictures 2023