The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Birthday Party

My sweet baby girl turned 5 years old.

How…When…Why????? Such mom questions, right! Haha!

Here is how we celebrated her birthday!


We have been reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as a family read a loud every night and my sweet little Kai Kai is OBSESSED with it! This year she asked for a Dorothy birthday party.

I bought the few decorations seen here on Amazon . Links are at the bottom of the blog. I bought these cute stickers and taped tooth picks on the back and created cake toppers! You gotta do what you gotta do, you know!

Birthday Celebration

Every year we ask our daughters what they want to do for their birthdays and this year Kai said, “I want to be with my family all day.” Yup, she chose our little family over having friends over. I cried haha. But seriously, we love our friends and love having them over but something about her wanting to be with only us made me tear up.

We ate donuts and treats for breakfast, read some chapters of….You guessed it…The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and opened presents. Thalia gifted Kai the cutest little Calico Critter theme park. Yes, Calico Critters are another obsession in our household.

The rest of the day was spent playing with new toys, reading, and eating a homemade “Happy Meal” that daddy cooked. We were all so happy to be eating chicken nuggets, french fries, and apple slices. The joys of a simple childhood, am I right?

Later That Night…

Later that night we went to my amazing friend’s business relaunch party. My friend’s name is Kris and she is the owner of Kris Heals. Ya’ll, you know I had some mom guilt because I really wanted to go support a really close friend of ours but felt so bad that it landed on Kai’s bday. We decided to go and support. Well, guess what happened…

Kris surprised her (and me) with her own adorable birthday cake! She asked everyone that was there to sing happy birthday to my little girl! I could not take it. THIS. This right here is love. Kris went out of her super busy schedule to do this for my sweet girl. Kai is so loved and she definitely felt it! We all had such an amazing time at Kris Heals relaunch party!

How We Ended the Night…

After partying hard at the relaunch, we ended the night with what the birthday girl wanted, In-N-Out and Wonka.

I am so grateful my Heavenly Father has blessed my little girl with another year of life. I pray He continues to bless her and us.

I had the best birthday in my life!” -Kai



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